UNLEASHED with Alexi Panos®- Happiness, Personal Development, Leadership, Purpose, Success, Money, Relationships and Motivation to Live Your Best Life!

Top 9 Lessons of 2019

Episode Summary

Ready for my TOP 9 lessons learned from 2019? I promise that if you implement even ONE of these nine, your whole life could look completely different 12 months out....you ready to take on that challenge?

Episode Notes

WOO HOOO! Another year has passed and I don’t know about you but I am EXCITED about the energy I’m feeling for 2020 and this brand new decade.

As per Virgo usual….this time of year is my favorite to reflect, capture, and take stock of what lessons were presented to me in the previous 12 months, so that I can truly plan from a place of deep alignment and deep intention for the new year.

In this episode, I’m sharing my TOP 9 Lessons from this year and what they’ve meant to my quality of life overall.

I’ll be sharing:

  1. The one lesson I learned after a particularly tough time in my relationship...and how it’s brought us closer than we’ve ever been before
  2. The insight that has saved me so much time, energy and misdirection (even when I was tempted to follow the trends!)
  3. One of my all time favorite lessons that continues to indirectly create so much abundance in my life and allow me to focus on what really matters
  4. An insight that, no matter how much I may not like it, is truly so deeply nourishing to my evolution and soul’s growth
  5. A saying that continues to challenge me, call me forward, and ask my HIGHEST SELF to chime in...when I’m tempted to take the easy way out
  6. The hard, yet beautiful, lesson learned after experiencing a miscarriage at the beginning of this year
  7. A complete shift in a “badge” I would always wear so proudly...that now has pivoted in a whole different direction
  8. The one thing I continuously dive deeper into that keeps me grounded in my truth, and not worrying about comparison or copy cats
  9. What I learned about TRUE leadership and service that I cannot wait to implement in a deeper way than ever this coming year


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